Friday, June 19, 2015

School Lunch Survey Results

1. We are trying to understand how people feel about school lunch and the improvements people think could help improve school lunch.

2. What Gender you are, what grade are you in.

3. Maybe add more options on what foods people would want to add to the school lunch.

4. No because both genders seemed to have similar opinions on school lunch.

5. How often do you buy lunch, because this told us that how often the people who are taking the survey eat lunch.

6. Most people only find the school lunch as okay. However there seems to be a lot of enthusiasm to change the school lunch and to add improvements to it that would make it better.

7. It was interesting to see how the RMHS community thought about this issue which i found very interesting.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

3,2,1 Virtual Sports

Main Goals
1. Win Games
2. Get Money
3. Get Fans

Most Difficult Aspects
1. Managing Money
2. Managing Media Planning

Easiest Aspect:
1. Ticket Pricing

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Virtual Sports 3,2,1

Areas I may be challenged in

1. Promotions

2. Managing the parking lots

3. Ticket Prices

Areas I will excel in

1. Advertising the team

2. Licensing

Aspect Most important

1. Don't spend more than you make

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Chapter 3 Sports Marketing Scavenger Hunt

In this Scavenger Hunt all of the items on the list were easy to find. It was  good to have a partner because we could get it done faster. I would not of rather done this alone. I think this is a fair assessment.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

NCAA Amateurism

NCAA places a high standard of preserving athletic amateurism. They do so in hopes that it will keep an equal standard among schools and so that smaller market schools don't get kicked out for not being able to afford to pay the athletes. They also believe that its important to preserve an athletes amateurism. All divisions of NCAA athletics place a high standard on preserving athletic amateurism.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Endorsements and Piracy

The Endorsements for the following people:

Michael Jordan- Endorsements include: Nike, Coca-Cola, Chevrolet, Gatorade, McDonald's, Ball Park Franks, Wheaties, and Hanes

David Ortiz: Endorsements include: Easton, Dish Network, Reebok, Jet Blue, D'Angelo's, and Sony Electronics

Peyton Manning: Endorsements include: Papa John's, Gatorade, DirecTV, Nationwide and Buick 

Mike Trout: Endorsements include: Nike, Old Hickory Bat Co., Phiten, Subway 

Miguel Cabrera: Endorsements include: Franklin, Wilson, and New Balance

Jonathan Toews; Endorsements include: Bauer, Canadian Tire, Chevrolet, and Lemonhead

Andrew Luck:  Endorsements include: Body Armor


Sony was in the center of a Piracy attack where many of private company information was hacked and shared publicly. 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Sports and Entertainment Marketing: How have they effected the market?

In Chapter 2 one of the chapter objectives is to see how how sports and entertainment marketers differ in their marketing strategies. Sports Marketers use a variety of different marketing strategies to market their product to different audiences. Companies that sell team memorabilia tend to go after a specific market of loyal fans for each team. People who root for a specific sports team will most likely root for the team for a long time so by selling a product like a hat or a T-shirt showing the specifics team's emblem on it. The consumer feels like its helping the team by buying its product as well as showing their support to the team through the gear. Entertainment marketers might try to do a similar marketing tactic to those of sports marketing by selling music T-shirts at a concert. If an artist or actor has a new album of movie coming out the marketer might have them go on talk shows to promote their new product. These marketing strategies creates hype for the artist or the team so that more people will buy the product.

Another one of the chapter 2 objectives is to show how sports marketing effects today's market. The marketing of sports greatly effects the whole market of sports. Sports get much higher revenues and players get much higher salaries due to sports marketing. T.V. companies pay millions to billions of dollars for the rights to show certain sporting events such as the N.B.A season or the Superbowl. This is because they gain huge revenue off of selling commercial time to different companies. Companies who buy commercial time hope that by advertising to the market that is watching the sporting event, that they will buy the product that they are marketing. In turn companies who are buying commercial space are willing to pay large amounts of money to have their commercials advertised to these markets. This cycle of revenue is a win win for all parties involved and is helpful to generate revenue for all the parties involved in sports marketing.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

My Introduction

This is my new Sports Marketing Blog. My name is Ian Ballou and I enjoy playing baseball and basketball. I also enjoy watching all Boston Sports especially the Patriots and Red Sox.

Dustin Pedroia Charity; Sports Marketing Blog Post

Dustin Pedroia of the Boston Red Sox has a charitable program called Pedroia's Platoon. This charitable program gives Red Sox tickets to military members and their families. These tickets let the families meet with Dustin during batting practice and allows the family to have a good time together by watching a game at Fenway Park. 

This organization is a helpful marketing tool as well as a helpful charitable organization. This charity is a good marketing tool because it shows that the team supports military families and their cause. This makes the Red Sox organization show that it cares about the surrounding community and fan base as well as it giving back to the people who have served this country. The charitable organization is also good marketing for Pedroia as well because it puts him in a positive light and shows that he cares about the fan base as well as the military members and their families. 
